I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. However, every January, I pick 20 books to read. I have done this since I started The Fusebox 20 years ago. I compile the list from a number of sources but mostly through recommendations. I am very particular about the ones that make it to the top 20. As we all know, time is precious. And you are what you read.

This process of selection got me thinking about the last 20 years and my all-time favourites. These books have had a huge impact on my thinking and the development of BUYERnomics. They have been instrumental in helping me build our coaching-based sales engagement framework. So I wanted to share this with our community of BUYonomists. If you want to understand the move to a new way of selling and finding purpose in your profession, then these books will hopefully guide you as they have guided me.

It was a difficult choice. Except for the top position, the other books fluctuate on my list depending on the challenges that I happen to be working on. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People changed my entire perspective on selling as a profession. I wanted to belong to a community of professionals who made a real, tangible contribution to the world. After my training with the Covey team, the BUYERnomics vision was born – to create a respected and admired profession, comprised of people who embody all the qualities of a coach with the sole purpose of helping their buyers achieve their goals. Our journey continues.

Which books have influenced the way you sell?